Minecraft legends mod guide
Minecraft legends mod guide

minecraft legends mod guide

Players should send their army to intercept and eliminate as many Seekers as possible, ideally with ranged attacks, and trust those walls to soak up any that make it through. These explosive Piglin bombers will charge directly for the fountain, detonating as soon as they reach a structure. This is to prevent an instant loss when wave 5 throws a nasty surprise at players in the form of a swarm of Piglin Seekers. They don't need to be complete, but they need to be directly between the fountain and the Portal. Most importantly, players should put up a decent wall or two between each Portal and the fountain.

minecraft legends mod guide

This changes pretty quickly, so using these early waves to get walls, towers, Carpenter Huts, and even a Masonry or two built will be crucial to success. The enemy mostly consists of basic Piglins at this stage, So players shouldn't have too much difficulty fending them off.

minecraft legends mod guide

During these first few Portal Pile waves, players will want to fortify the area immediately around the fountain and spawn some golems to serve as a mobile defense force.

Minecraft legends mod guide